How To Improve Your Reach on Instagram

How To Improve Your Reach on Instagram

by Hooman
April 23, 2021

How to Improve Your Reach On Instagram

(and Using Reports++)

1.) First and foremost, pick a general theme:

People are following you for the content your posting, so you are more likely to generate a crowd if your posts have one main theme, whether it be food, lifestyle, art or cars – if you pick one subject that you are passionate about you are likely to post more frequently, appear genuine about the topic you are posting and gain followers who are interested in the same topic. You make genuine connections this way. 

2.) Have a posting schedule:

It is important to post regularly, and while this doesn’t have to mean on the same day at the same time everyday, it is helpful to have some consistency. You could start with once a week, twice a week. Now Instagram shows you when your followers are most active throughout the day (if you have a business account), so use that to your advantage. 

3.) Use an app like Reports++ to track engagement:

By using an app like Reports++ you can gauge what content is working for you and what isn’t by seeing when people follow/unfollow you. Maybe posts with hashtags are days where you gain more followers and longer text captions is where you are losing followers. Maybe your carousel posts do better than your videos? You can use this information to form an idea of which of your posts will be successful. Additionally, there are features that make it easier to see who is engaging with all your content vs some of your content vs none. For instance, if you take a look at someone’s page on the Reports++ app, you can see if they’ve watched all your stories, liked you latest post or 

4.) Use an app like Reports++ to track engagement:

While posting content regularly is important, it is not the only key to improving your reach on the social media app – after all it’s “social” media. Make sure you are interacting with similar accounts. This includes commenting, sharing, liking. On Reports++ when you go to somebody’s page, you can see how many of your posts they’ve liked, how many times they’ve commented on your posts etc. This is good way to decide when you want to reach out to somebody. Maybe collaborate with them on a project/giveaway or share some tips. 

5.) Do not just post pictures, use different tools available on the platform:

The app is constantly changing and at times it can be overwhelming to keep up with new features that are being added, but the goal is to try new things. Start with small things such as adding a quiz or question to your story, maybe you’ve never tagged a location in your post or if you’re feeling adventurous try making a reel. Trying out these features help keep you on top of the timeline and show up to others. 


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